Not only does this 100% owned and controlled company strive to create natural learning materials, furniture, and equipment for the classroom, they also provide the same resources for outdoor learning and exploration.
As much as Sonia Polak and Cathy Elliott, the Sales Representatives for the company, were excited to present their showroom to us, as well as share their knowledge and expertise of the products with us, we were equally excited to explore all the beautifully crafted and high quality materials they had to offer!
I definitely felt like a kid in a candy store walking through the space at Louise Kool & Galt. Every corner and tabletop was filled with natural and realistic materials, as well as the latest resources for educators. How could I pick just 10 items for my wish list when I could easily choose 100!? With that being said, the following are 10 of my favourites for Back to School that I had the chance to explore and tinker with during our visit!
1. The Sand Trays caught my attention with their glass base and their shallow wooden sides. I loved reading that they also feature a built in slot underneath to add coloured paper or materials for different effects.
3. I would love to add the Outlast Ramps, Blocks, and Flow Pan to my outdoor classroom. These materials are sure to create open-ended play and exploration opportunities with water and loose parts.
4. The Discovery Windows, which are square blocks that you can fill with various items, intrigued me during my visit. I would love to add them to block play, the light table, or a provocation.
5. I had never seen Transparent Prismo Triangles before and was drawn to them on top of the round mirrored table. They would also be great on the light table or in the math area.
6. The Rattan Sorting Trays are great for sorting manipulatives and loose parts. They are natural in colour, plastic, and super sturdy!
7. The Nature Wooden Disc Set is another must-have for both the classroom and outdoor learning. The wooden discs are stamped with insect images for sorting, matching, and imaginative play.
8. A great fine motor manipulative for the classroom are the Letter Stones. They are natural tools for developing fine motor control and feeling the formation of the letters with your fingertips.
9. I absolutely loved the Storage Units with various built-in panels on the back- from felt boards to mirrors, and magnetic panels to dry-erase boards. It aids in the utilization of all spaces in a classroom environment.
10. I couldn't complete my list without adding one of the many amazing and current professional resources on their shelves! I can't wait to return to Louise Kool & Galt to pick up my copy of Working in the Reggio Way.
Don't forget to visit the other ladies of #4EverInspired to see what they have on their Top 10 Wish List for Back to School with Louise Kool & Galt!
Joanne Babalis of Transform Ed
Also, visit our Instagram Accounts to enter a free giveaway for your chance to win one of four $50.00 gift certificates from Louise Kool & Galt in collaboration with #4EverInspired!
A special thank you to Sonia and Cathy for allowing us to spend time tinkering in their space, providing us with resources and goodies, and generously contributing to our #4EverInspired giveaway! Their excitement for Louise Kool & Galt was contagious!

#4EverInspired xoxo