I love books! I have a VERY BIG collection of children's books, which I have collected throughout my career. I have also been fortunate to have received many books as gifts- from colleagues, students, friends, and family.
"One Very Big Bear" by Alice Brière-Haquet was gifted to me by one of my dedicated classroom volunteers, Lucas Serper. It is a story about counting and size, and a fun way to introduce students to measuring height!
Special thanks to my husband for drawing the very big bears for me! |
I posted the above provocation to Instagram, which I created after reading the story to our class, and I was excited to see educators in the following weeks try it out in their own classrooms. As much as they commented that I inspired them; it was truly inspiring to see all the ways they took the idea and made it their own. Thanks @kinderkulture @journey_of_learning @learninginroom122 and @ms.desousa for sharing!
Love that they also used bottle caps as a non-standard measuring tool!
(pictured in their Instagram video) |
Love the small, medium, and big bears to measure and compare! |
Love the connection to the story of The Three Bears! |
Love the addition of wooden numbers to represent the amount of gems used! |
"The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other."