"The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow,
but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work."
Every time I enter the classroom, I remind myself to slow down. It is easy to get caught up in "work" and getting things "done", but it is important to slow down and spend time with your students. In order to offer them learning opportunities that are based on their interests, strengths, and needs, we must first get to know our students and how they interact with each other and the materials in the environment.
As much as I have been mindful in slowing down as an educator, the first month of school has flown by! Our classroom has come alive and we have been busy exploring, creating, learning and
most importantly- having fun!
Learning to recognize our names using sign-in rocks |
Learning to complete our daily drawing and writing for
Our Daily Writing Wall |
Learning to develop a positive self-image by looking closely at ourselves
and creating self-portraits out of loose-parts |
Learning to count and represent numbers to 5
to develop our 1-1 correspondence skills |
Building and constructing with various materials |
Representing what we see in nature during our nature walks |
Answering the question "What do you see?" at the "Wonder Window" |
Exploring how colours mix to make new colours at the light table
and creative arts area |
Working together and sharing with each other |
Exploring line using different materials |
Looking closely at sunflowers and using watercolours to represent what we see |
Making "wishes" for our children during Meet the Teacher Night |
Slowing down and enjoying our time together!
~take it all one day at a time and enjoy the journey~
ReplyDeleteI love the experiences you have captured in this post. You are truly an amazing educator and I thank-you for constantly inspiring myself (and others!) throughout your journey. Looking forward to networking throughout this school year!
Thank you for your kind words Kristen. We work in such a rewarding profession! I am so happy to share with and learn alongside such amazing educators, like yourself. I appreciate you taking the time to share in my professional learning journey, and I look forward to following yours as well!